Thursday, May 19, 2011

Long Over Due

Friends, I am very sorry for the very delayed post. In the time since the last post with the help of Kevin, I refinished a kitchen, painted a bedroom, cleaned a house, painted every closet. We put in a new faucet which led to a new sink which led to a new garbage disposal and then a new dishwasher. I graduated from medical school, had all of my closet friends from high school for a weekend, hosted a big party to celebrate and finally just now caught my breath. It has been an amazing couple of weeks and our house is finally starting to feel like our home. I could not have been luckier to have such great friends and family here to help celebrate. And I cannot believe that so many years of hard work are behind me. I knew I wanted to go to medical school from age 14. Here I am 15 years later and I am a DOCTOR.

There are so many people who contributed to this accomplishment, some in ways I cannot even articulate. But, I could not be happier with my life choice and cannot wait to get in there and get working. Although, I am trying to savor every one of these days off because they will be few and far between come June 15. Here are some favorite pics from the weekend. The house pics will come as soon as I can muster the energy to clean again and take some pictures.

Thank you friends for all of your love and support!


  1. So proud of my Tater Tot! (I mean, Dr. Tater Tot, M.D.)

  2. LOVE YOU! I am so glad that you are a part of my ohana.
