Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bon Appetit

Every so often some girlfriends and I from medical school get together for a Bon Appetit dinner party. It is a much needed break from our study/work schedules plus it pushes each of us to try a new dish. There are often complete dinner party menus in Bon Appetit and everyone picks a dish to bring. Tonight my friend Liz is hosting and I am bring the Bruschetta! It has been a rough 24 hours and tonight's dinner will be a welcome change. I am a firm believer in the power of smell and despite feeling pretty tired and low all day once I started making the bruschetta my kitchen was filled with the smells of garlic, rosemary and good olive oil. A few deep breaths and I was much calmer. Our apartment smells amazing right now. I am probably going to have to fight Kevin off to make sure I can bring most of these tasty treats to the party. Food is love!

My Bruschetta!

This morning I somehow managed to spill an entire bottle of ink a dink a pink nail polish on our balcony. I usually do not do things like this but I was going on about 5 hours of sleep for no good reason and there it was splattered all over our balcony. After using a few of the four letter words my mom taught me Kevin appeared with paper towels and promptly got to work trying to remove the ink a dink a pink from the home of our urban garden.
Scrubbing the balcony :(
Ink a dink a pink got my feet too as well as the stone of the balcony. It was some pretty serous modern art.

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