Sunday, August 28, 2011


Everyone on the East Coast has been talking about the earthquake. I will never forget where I was the day it happened. I was in the OR in the middle of a c-section. A cute little girl was born just moments after the quaking stopped. The story ended up on the news. The doctor is my attending with whom I was operating. This baby was also born on my sister Melissa's birthday. I delivered a few babies on her birthday none of the mothers decided to name their babies Melissa though. You can read the story here.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


So I know I have not written in forever. What can I say I have been working like a mad woman delivering lots of babies and working my tush off, but on this rainy hurricane Irene day I had to share my new obsession. I no longer have 5 minutes to cook anything so our menu has evolved to include many easy to make options. Kevin is a grill ninja and has whipped up some tasty meals on our trusty webber. But my favorite thing to bring to work for the occasional day I have time to make something is the EVOL burrito. Check our their website here. They are hands down the best frozen burrito I have ever had. And how cute is the name LOVE backwards. YUM!