Monday, November 18, 2013

Less Meat

I watched this film yesterday. Forks Over Knives reviews how we as Americans eat and that our diet heavy in meat and animal products is making us sick. I will be the first to admit that I have let my and subsequently our diet slip in the past 3 years due to my demanding work schedule and most of the time thinking about making better food choices or exercise seems too overwhelming on top of my already exhausting schedule and life demands. We made one simple goal: to eat fewer animal products. It was the perfect time to try a diet remake since we had just come home from vacation and had an empty fridge. I ordered these two cookbooks to help inspire my cooking: Vegetarian Everyday and Super Natural Everyday.

We had friends over for dinner last night to celebrate our first year of marriage and we brought back lobsters from Maine. That was before I decided we should have a meatless week. So I made this quinoa and lentil salad and brussel sprouts to go with our last meat for the week. Dinner was amazing and I could not believe how great our top tier of the cake tasted 1 year later.

Today I made a wonderful vegetable curry. It is so far the best new recipe I have tried in this less meat goal. I am sure we will make it again. I hope to check in again with updates on our meatless week but I am in the beginning of 5 weeks of nights.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Year One!

We have been married for one year today. It has been a good year, a tough year in some ways mostly related to residency but a great year in love. I am so blessed to have found the perfect partner for me. I love him more each day. My sweet hubby!