Sunday, June 19, 2011

Perfect Steak

Tonight I grilled up some New York Strip Steak for Kevin and me. We just got a new grill basket so I made some yellow and green squash with some beautiful red onion from the farmers market as well. I had only made steak a few times so I was looking for an authority on how to grill it. I found this article on the prefect steak and the steaks turned out amazingly well. They were juicy and flavorful. I really appreciated the cooking times. We used our Webber grill and some standard charcoal which we fired up in the chimney. I highly recommend a chimney because it eliminates the need for lighter fluid and more chemicals. Bring on a summer of grilling. YUM!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Farmers Market Salad

I found this posting at Pioneer Woman and I had to make it. I took a stroll down to the Del Ray Farmers Market this morning and found almost everything I needed to make this tasty salad. I am a real sucker for a Panzanella salad. I have made Ina Garten's version many times always to rave reviews. I have discovered in the past year that bell peppers cause me to have some wicked heart burn so they no longer are included in my go to vegetable list. When I found this new recipe I was jumping for joy a panzanella salad without bell peppers. DELISH!

PW's beautiful food photography.
I swear one of these days I am going to get myself a good digital SLR camera.

I cannot wait to make this tonight. Photo: Pioneer Woman

Friday, June 17, 2011

New Beginnings!

Wednesday marked my official start as a resident. This next year will be one full of ups and downs, sleepless nights, and feeling overwhelmed with work. It will also be one of many firsts and great accomplishments. This year I will learn to operate! I will deliver too many babies to count, repair wounds, show parents their child's heartbeat for the first time, identify many babies' sexes, treat illness from having too much of the wrong kind of sex, and teach women young and old about their bodies. I will probably laugh and cry both tears of happiness and sadness. This year will be a big one in my life. It will be the one where I learn the most I ever have and finally get to be a doctor. I am not sure how much attention this blog will get after my days at work as I struggle to find the work-life balance we are all so focused on. I am already thinking we need some help in the cleaning department at our house. The thought of coming home and dusting, vacuuming, doing laundry well right now it seems a bit overwhelming. But I will do my best! And who knows, maybe I will just surprise myself and find time to continue to update.

One last Mexico picture for good measure!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Mexican Wedding

Kevin's brother was married in Isla Mujeres this past Saturday. The wedding was so beautiful although it was HOT out during the ceremony. But the view could not have been better. The ceremony was sweet, Gregg and Marichu incorporated some Filipino traditions and the party was fun. We danced the night away. It was a wonderful wedding and the perfect excuse for a trip to Mexico.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


We had the most amazing time in Mexico. Everything was perfect. The weather was hot and sunny and the ocean the most amazing blue. Here are some favorite pictures from the trip!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Final Bedroom Color

After a very long day of ripping carpet and then painting our bedroom, we are DONE with house projects for a long while. Kevin and I decided on a cool blue called Cumberland Fog. Here are a few snaps of our bedroom after the paint had dried.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Isla Mujeres Mexico

We are in Mexico! Enjoying some time in the sun and sand. I promise to drink a nice icy cold cocktail, run my toes through the sand and take a nice long snooze on the beach in honor of those of us who are not currently in Mexico.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


As we live in our home there are areas I would love to redesign some day. These are far off dreams but it always helps to have a little inspiration stored away for future use. Currently we have a "cantry" lovingly named by Dana. It is a multi-purpose room, serving as both our first floor bathroom and our pantry. How I would love a beautifully organized pantry in the kitchen. I love the addition of chalk boards on the inside of the doors. 
Simple and lovely.

I love the use of reclaimed wood for this table. It makes a beautiful and interesting coffee table. (Images from

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ray LaMontagne Storytellers

Ray LaMontagne is going to be on VH1 Storytellers this FRIDAY! Although I will  be in Mexico I have my DVR set and I highly recommend you do the same. I am sure he will be amazing. I love his soulful voice and the lyrics of his songs are true poetry. You can find more information here

Bedroom Paint

In my last couple of days before I start working again I have tackled the last big project for now. The carpet is all gone and our bedroom is getting a fresh coat of paint. I was having trouble deciding which color to choose so I bought a few of the samples in different shades. Here is my test window. There will be updates once the room is done. I hope we love the finished product.

Frosted Lemon, Cumberland Fog, Mountain Haze, Skyline Steel

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Chestertown Wedding

This weekend Kevin and I traveled to Chestertown, MD for the wedding of my friends Lisa and Zach. The wedding was spectacular and every detail was beautiful. The ceremony took place by the water and the bride and groom looked beautiful. Here are some of my favorite snapshots from the wedding. Unfortunately I was too busy having fun that I only managed a few pictures.

The tent was amazing and full of light!

And a couple more I stole from Facebook of the beautiful bride!

After a lovely dinner of BBQ we danced the night away to an incredible band. The wedding was a perfect last hurrah with some favorite medical school friends as we all go our separate ways for residency. Congrats Lisa and Zach! 

Saturday, June 4, 2011


I spent most of yesterday ripping out old beige shag carpet from our upstairs. Sadly I am only about half way done. That carpet needed to go! As I ripped it out, I was amazed at how much dirt, pet hair and other unidentifiable types of filth came flying at me. Despite our best efforts to steam clean it and vacuum it until we couldn't vacuum any more there was no way that carpet was coming clean. Luckily we uncovered hardwood which although in serious need of refinishing already looks and smells so much better than the nasty shag. We do need some rugs for the rooms. I am in search for some classic and timeless rugs that won't break the bank. Here are some front runners. I am also trying out my creative side at Flor where you can create your own rugs made of individual squares.

West Elm

Pottery Barn

Thursday, June 2, 2011

One Week!

Until Kevin and I are sleeping with the sounds of the waves crashing next to our bedroom. I cannot wait to dip my toes in the water, read books in the sun and then dance the night away as we celebrate Gregg and Marichu's wedding. Any novel suggestions??? My passport has been out on my dresser waiting to be used since we moved.
