Last week one of my favorite TV personalities said good bye to her day time show. I was two when the Oprah show first started. I remember watching it with my mother with my grandmother and then in college with my best girlfriends. I have laughed with Oprah, cried with Oprah and have grown up with the Oprah show being a constant. There have been long stretches when I couldn't watch due to work or classes etc. but the show was like an old friend no matter how long I had gone without watching all it took was one episode to get me right back in the swing of things. During her last episode Oprah shared what she called a love letter to her viewers. It was a summary of all the lessons she has learned during her 25 years. Although there where many valuable lessons she shared one really resonated with me.
"I've talked to nearly 30,000 people on this show, and all 30,000 had one thing in common -- they all wanted validation. ... They want to know, do you hear me? Do you see me? Does what I say mean anything to you?" -Oprah Winfrey
This is such a simple concept; yet, one I find so applicable to my life, especially my life as a physician. I have written before how one benefit to my career choice is interacting on a daily basis with people of all walks of life and nothing seems more valid to me than Oprah's statement. Everyone wants to be validated, wants to be heard and a big part of my job is making sure they are heard.
I will miss the Oprah show but I am sure she will be on to bigger and better things at OWN.
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