Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fort Washington, Maryland

Somehow I was confused and thought that this weekend was Labor Day Weekend. I am supposed to cat sit for some dear friends Labor Day Weekend so I packed up some goodies and drove out to Fort Washington, Maryland ready to spend some quality time with their cat Pemba. Low and behold when I opened the door to the house there they were - in the middle of breakfast with company in town for the weekend. I was still in my pajamas, unshowered and a total mess. Labor Day is next weekend! Luckily for me these are some very close friends and they got up from the table, hugged me and said "we are so glad you are here." I took a nice hot shower and settled in to work on my residency applications on their patio overlooking the golf course. I love spending time at their house. They have such great outdoor space. A lovely table in the shade and true peace and quiet. They went about their day with their company and left me the patio for working. I am so lucky to have such amazing and loving friends. Hopefully I will get a good chunk of my work done today in this great location! And, of course I will be back next weekend to cat sit!

View from the patio!

Fort Washington

1 comment:

  1. If Melinda chirped while you were there, I will never get over my jealousy.
